Talks and seminars
- December 2022: Invited talk in the 15th edition of FuzzyMAD at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid: “Few-shot Information Extraction: Pre-train, Prompt and Entail”
- October 2022: Invited talk at the EMLCT master (UPV/EHU): “Few-shot Information Extraction: Pre-train, Prompt and Entail”
- June 2019: Seminars in DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN FILOLOGIA, LETTERATURA ITALIANA, LINGUISTICA: “Language Technologies for Research in Digital Humanities: An Opportunity to Lingüists”
- June 2019: Invited talk in the Media Integration and Communication Center (MICC) at the University of Firenze: “Semantic Text Similarity with Images”
- October-2019: “Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing: A brief overview and a case study” given for the course of “Minería de Datos” (UPV/EHU).
- October-2018: “Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing: A brief overview and a case study” given for the course of “Minería de Datos” (UPV/EHU)
- October-2017: “Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing: A brief overview and a case study” given for the course of “Minería de Datos” (UPV/EHU)
- October-2016: “Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing: A brief overview and a case study” given for the course of “Minería de Datos” (UPV/EHU)